Sandy's Stuff for Women

I own a woman's clothing and accessories store in Toledo, OH. We have 3300 sq. ft. of both new and resale items. We specialize in maternity items (the largest selection in the area) and women's size clothing (the largest selection in a resale shop in the area. RESALE ROCKS!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Interesting customers, Part II

So last week, I had a few interesting customers on the same day. Yesterday's post was about the shoulder tattoo - today's post is about another body part - or should I say "parts?"

Three sisters were shopping together. The sister from Toledo is a regular. She was joined by her two sisters from Florida. All three were attractive so what they told me was quite a surprise.

Florida sister #1 had a facelift while up here. She was only a few days post-op and looked pretty darn good.

Florida sister #2 had other parts of her body augmented. She'd had it done many years ago and there was a problem so this was a partial "re-do" so to speak.

This sister seemed rather modest. While shopping she bought what she liked regardless of what her sisters thought (I like that). She was in no way "showy" or attention-seeking. But attention she got . . .

They were flying home the next day. Sister number #2 bought a shirt to wear home with a jacket over it.

What her husband will see first as she gets off the plane:

This is what he'll see next:

Now, can any of you top that?


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