Sandy's Stuff for Women

I own a woman's clothing and accessories store in Toledo, OH. We have 3300 sq. ft. of both new and resale items. We specialize in maternity items (the largest selection in the area) and women's size clothing (the largest selection in a resale shop in the area. RESALE ROCKS!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

My very best wishes for this New Year!

May 2008 be the best year we all have ever, ever had.

May it be filled with beauty.

May it be filled with love.

May it be filled with joy and happiness.

May it be filled with abundance, however you define it.

I am sometimes accused of being a pollyanna. I don't care - call me whatever you want. I just know that I am the happiest I have ever been. I have spent a great deal of time and effort in the last several months learning how to perfect the practice of making my life what I want it to be. And I believe anyone can do the same.

So this year, I am going to remain healthy, eat whatever I want but lose weight (only another 7 or 8 pounds to go :), have all the money and other resources I need, attract more good positive-thinking people into my life and continue to love anyone who will tolerate me.
Life is GOOD!
What are you particularly looking forward to in 2008?


  • At Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 4:54:00 PM EST, Blogger Louise Kahle said…

    I'm with you, Sandy. I will be getting more of those things into my life, also.
    We all can have what we want if we believe it. It's when the negative thoughts creep in that the energy flow gets negative. I am getting better about attracting great things into my life all the time. It works!

  • At Friday, January 4, 2008 at 1:20:00 PM EST, Blogger evalerie said…

    Sandy -

    As far as the comment that you made on your blog that you would "continue to love anyone who will tolerate me," I want to thank you so much for the note that I received in the mail telling me that you missed seeing me last week when I came to Sandy's Stuff :)

    Thanks for sharing your love of humanity. That was such a positive experience for me.

    Happy 2008 to you, too!

    Take care and continue to enjoy life.


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