Friends and acquaintances have quit inviting me to 'purse parties.' I thank them. I went to one a couple of years ago and only bought a pair of $30 fake Chanel sunglasses that broke within two weeks. (Thus, a major difference between the real designer goods and the knockoff goods is that the latter lack quality.) But I couldn't believe the prices of the fake designer purses !! I go wholesale shopping in Chicago several times a year and the fakes are so cheap there. Talk about a ripoff.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Friends and acquaintances have quit inviting me to 'purse parties.' I thank them. I went to one a couple of years ago and only bought a pair of $30 fake Chanel sunglasses that broke within two weeks. (Thus, a major difference between the real designer goods and the knockoff goods is that the latter lack quality.) But I couldn't believe the prices of the fake designer purses !! I go wholesale shopping in Chicago several times a year and the fakes are so cheap there. Talk about a ripoff.
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